Tuesday, July 10, 2012

07-08-2012 Sermon by The Rev. Larry Peters



Rev. Larry Peters

July 8, 2012


Mark 6: 1-13


  I want to begin by thanking God, and thanking you for allowing me to preach in this great church.  I am truly thankful for the opportunity that has been given me to worship and to serve among you.  Who would have thought that a United Methodist minister from West Virginia would be here?  I want to tell you that I appreciate Meadville, the First Presbyterian Church of Meadville, and you who are important to both the life of this community and to the life of this church.

  I appreciate the wonderful Staff, and Pastor Brian and Pastor Kate.  I am aware that I am here at a difficult time following her unexpected death.  I think it would be right for me to say that I am not here to replace Pastor Kate.  No one can do that.  Her unique gifts and graces for ministry and in service to this church and community will always be remembered and cherished.  I hope to be able to add what I can bring, to participate and in some ways help to lead in the wonderful ministry that you are already doing, and that together we will continue to do.  I am excited about walking with you along the faith journey that God has prepared for us!

  Our Gospel lesson today tells of how we are on a spiritual journey, and also of a homecoming.  Where we pick up in the Gospels is at a place when Jesus left a certain place and went back to his hometown.  We are following Jesus on this journey.  As the Scripture say: (v.1) “He went back to his hometown, followed by his disciples.”  We follow Jesus because we want to learn from him.  A disciple is a student.  Jesus is our Teacher.  Later on in our lesson we will see how disciples become apostles.  An apostle is one who is sent forth in Jesus’ name and is given authority and is equipped in every way to do the work of the church.  As disciples we follow Jesus and learn from the Teacher.  We have gained certain instruction.  Then comes the time when Jesus sends us forth.  We become apostles.  Now is the time to live what we have learned.

  This sermon is about some of life’s instructions.  Upon building this sermon, I was at a loss of some of my favorite tools.  Last year at this time, my family and I had just left a certain place to come back to my hometown.  All our belongings followed on the bed of a U-Haul truck.  Our things are still mostly in storage.  So, the tools that I like - my notes, my books sermon starters and helps, were not to be found.  But, I do have the Bible - God’s instruction book for our life; and something else that seemed to draw my attention - a small paperback called: Life’s Little Instruction Book.  So while I was thinking of what to say, LIFE INSTRUCTION NO. 695 says: DON’T WASTE TIME WAITING FOR INSPIRATION.  BEGIN, AND INSPIRATION WILL FIND YOU.

  Jesus returned to his hometown, the place where he grew up, and one day began to teach in the local church.  There were many people there - but it is not certain what they expected to hear; or who, exactly, they expected to see.  “They were all amazed” (v.2); but it was not the kind of amazement upon which they would build their faith and confidence.  Their amazement led to questions and doubts, and they rejected him and what he had to say.  Why?

  If I may refer to an article in the Meadville Tribune about a week ago with the title and question:  Does Quitting Church Make Sense?, the writer addresses some problems facing the church.  We are reminded that church attendance has declined, as the writer says, “to the point of shock and disbelief.”  Many are turning away from the church.  But is there a good reason to give up on church?  Does quitting church make sense?  Has church become too boring?  Will it cost us too much to go? - too much of our time, too much of our money, too much effort?  Should we expect to be entertained at church?  Should we expect that church not ask anything of us?

  What will it take for people to want to come, and want to stay, and want to be part of church?  Jesus himself could not satisfy the people.  And what’s more, the church finds itself in a position where nothing can be done.  The Gospel message is not received; prophets, preachers, Sunday School teachers, all those who witness to the Word of God are not respected.  Religion and faith values are not found in most homes and families, not welcome in our communities; there is little healing of health related sickness, social, emotional and spiritual sickness.  Then is it any wonder, we are amazed that no great miracles are able to be performed?!

  Jesus was not able to perform any miracles in such a place - and not because of any lack of power on his part to do mighty works, but because the people would not believe.  They rejected Jesus; they gave up on church.  They would not participate in the work the church does - because it’s not entertainment.  They would not participate in the life and ministries of the church - because it costs too much.  The truth is, we cannot afford to let go of what is really important!  The point the writer makes in this newspaper article of last week is that we can go on making all the excuses we want - but nothing justifies the abandonment of the closeness to God that church makes real to us; for to do so would be to deprive ourselves of eternal joy and happiness.  Not happy now? - wait until you’ve given up on God.

  But the Gospel is good news; and the good news is that God does not give up on us!  Even when we turn away, God’s love remains steadfast!  LIFE INSTRUCTION NO. 43: NEVER GIVE UP ON ANYBODY.  MIRACLES HAPPEN EVERYDAY.

  While Jesus was greatly surprised because the people did not have faith (v.6), he does not give up - in fact this leads to a great new revelation of what our Lord God intends to do.  Where he was teaching in church, and there he was rejected - he would go to the villages around there (v.6) still teaching the people.  He would make disciples of people; people who would be devoted to following him; people who would trust, have faith and believe - people who would be the church.  It is interesting that Jesus could not do this work in the church - he would bring his message to others, and this work he would not do alone.  LIFE INSTRUCTION NO. 368: BE QUICK TO ACKNOWLEDGE THOSE WHO HELP YOU.

  Jesus called the original twelve disciples together and sent them out two by two.  We should know that we are never in this alone.  There are others of like-faith who will stand beside us, those who will go with us and do a great work.  This is the beginning of a great apostolic movement.  Something is happening now.  Disciples are being sent out.  They are now apostles sent by Jesus.  In fact, Jesus goes with us.  Remember as he says: (Matt. 18:20) “When two or more come together in my name, I am there with them.”

  Jesus is with us!  We have his promise!  We have his blessing!  We are sent, which means Jesus commissions us to do a specific work and in a specific way.  Notice how specific Jesus is when instructing those disciples to go and not take anything with them.  It is enough that we have Jesus Christ!  We are to be identified by others as a people totally reliant on our Lord God.  Our God gives us what is needed for the journey, and for our witness and work.  And what is that work? - to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

  We are disciples making disciples.  We are to tell others of the Good News of Jesus Christ; that he is our only hope, our only means of salvation.  We are to preach and to teach how people are to repent and turn from their sins and return to God.  This is our spiritual healing.  We are to lift up, comfort and reassure one another in Christ; and in Christ’s name we are to beat the Devil!  This is what Jesus authorizes us to do!  Jesus gives us the authority!  If anyone should ask by what authority we do these things - it is by the authority that Christ gives us!  LIFE INSTRUCTION NO. 346: BE BOLD AND COURAGEOUS.  AND NO. 183: LET PEOPLE KNOW WHAT YOU STAND FOR - AND WHAT YOU WON’T STAND FOR.

  And witness in a way that lets people know that you and the Lord God who sent you are for real.  As disciples making disciples, we are helping others to build a relationship with God, and with other believers.  So LIFE INSTRUCTION NO. 83 is: IN ALL RELATIONSHIPS, REMEMBER THAT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TRUST.  Let God help you to learn ways to build trust among people and to break down the barriers that separate one from another.

  Here are some more of life’s instructions.  LIFE INSTRUCTION NO. 20: BE FORGIVING OF YOURSELF AND OTHERS.  What causes people to stumble before they even really get started on their walk of faith is that they have not really come to understand or accept that they are forgiven.  If we do not proclaim the truth, as it is written in our bulletins every Sunday, that in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven - then we are powerless to forgive anyone else.  We don’t know what forgiveness is.  So the place to start is to ask God to show you how much you are loved, how much you are forgiven - and then you can love and forgive others.

  Remember, God does not call us to be perfect before we engage in mission and ministry, but by doing it - the more perfect we become.  Put all things in perspective.  LIFE INSTRUCTION NO. 267: LIE ON YOUR BACK AND LOOK AT THE STARS.  I plan on doing this with my children this summer.

  LIFE INSTRUCTION NO. 68: BE BRAVE.  EVEN IF YOU’RE NOT, PRETEND TO BE.  NO ONE CAN TELL THE DIFFERENCE.  You are headed into new territory.  Boldly go where no one has gone before!  I’ve always wanted to say that like Captain Kirk!  God is saying; “Behold, I make all things new;” and our message is that “God is making all human beings his friends through Christ” (2 Cor. 5:18-19).  Friends, when meeting someone LIFE INSTRUCTION NO. 16 says BE THE FIRST TO SAY, “HELLO.”  And NO. 717 says REMOVE YOUR SUNGLASSES WHEN YOU TALK TO SOMEONE.  Remember, you are removing barriers.  You want to build trust.  You are letting people see the real you.  You are bringing them into relationship.  Look them in the eye, and let them be able to do the same with you.

  LIFE INSTRUCTION NO. 396: NEVER GIVE ANYONE FRUITCAKE.  Give them the very best of yourself.  Once, I remember, my aunt sent me a fruitcake when I was in the Air Force.  She had good intentions, of course, but after tasting it I tried giving it away - but there were no takers.  Friends, what we have to share with others is God’s Word.  We have the testimony of the life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  God has given the very best.  We’ve tasted it.  We know it to be very good; and there are others who are hungry for it.  Jesus says, “You feed them.”

  And while there is no end to God’s goodness and what can be said about it, in the words of a former professor of preaching at seminary - “one should leave some for another sermon”, or as LIFE INSTRUCTION NO. 362 says: KNOW WHEN TO STOP TALKING.


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